Saturday, June 19, 2010


Oh yeah!! It's been so long time i didn't touch or even think of my blog. Every time heard my friend said about blogging but i dun have any extra time for me to blog here. Hmm.. time passed really fast, many many many things happens all these while... Few days ago, i saw pauline's blog so nice, pink pink with strawberry, it make me feels wanna make my blog nice nice too. So, last Friday i tried to log in my blog but it failed. OMG.. i forgot my password!!! hehe.. Luckily, i can change my password by typing in the email address.. So, i'm here today. =)

Today i on my friendster's been so long i didn't log in too. Suprisily i saw u got add a girl at 5 june and yet recently u told me that u have been long time no on friendster already. So. what this? Ghost add for u a? =(
I really don't like the feeling of being cheat.. Don't like don't like don't like!!!!!!!

Nah...... dont wanna talk about you.. And another things i feel annoying is cos i always make myself moody by go see ur "x" de profile..i know there's nothing among u two.. I know.. but y am i feels uncomfortable of her..something like "hate".. maybe is jealous ba..hehehe.. stupid me.. n.n

Bla bla bla.. the feeling of blogging really wonder nowadays so many people like blogging so much to release their emotional, stress and feeling. Hmm...but somehow for me it's not good enough to say out all the secret as it's viewable by everyone~

Today i end here lo.. Finally i swept away all the DUST in my blog..hehe ^^ Pauline, u see me so guai ho..hahaha


  1. Haha...Finally...ur blog have been activated once again. "Hugs and muacks".XD And I am sure that I am the 1st viewer to leave my footprint here. haha... Keep it up, don't let ur blog being hiatus again. And u also promised that u will get us updated once ur blogskin has been changed. So, don't just by saying that but have to accomplish it.haha...Waiting for ur next post.(:

  2. i just wait when si hui free lo.. hehe ya..u r the 1st cos u r the oli one who know i hav blog..hahahaha

  3. 2nite i will free already ...xD
    i will help u 2 change ur themes ~
    but but but ..
    wanna ur email n password oso o ~xD

    now i will be 2 2nd person 2 visit ur blog blog yo ~^^

  4. ok a..i wil giv u at ur facebook inbox..hehe..thx ya..and shun bian help me check the date, pauline said guai guai de..not accurate^^ i wan cute cute de theme ya..hehe.. ^^



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