Saturday, June 26, 2010

How i gonna survive?

Today Pauline remind me to update my i am.
Hmm..these few days my mood ups and downs. It's really hard for a girl that in loved to have a calm and steady mood. She may happy so much then the next second sad or cried. There are many meaningful article that try to influence girls to be more steady and positive-minded. For me, i don't think it's useful for us. We may become OK just for sometimes then changes back again.. So how?
The moment before i open this blog. I feel down again..Why? Just because the way you talked like not paying attention, i said u no patient to hear what i say, and u just say :" na li you" then i stopped talking. For few seconds, u then said" i go eat 1st" hmm.. so? mayb some people will think "like this only ma.. still ok la".. ya.. then y i care? issshhhh!!!!

Hmm..i know u care me, i know u sayang me.. I really i will try to avoid all the negative mind..if no, how i gonna live when u go far far there working? naaaa... no idea how would it be.. I dont want to think much le..

Let's talk about the sweet things that u do for me^^ Yesterday night you helped me cut my toes' nail o..hehe.. ya.. so sweet~ I love when u care me sayang me so much<3>
1st time o..hehe.. i guess u don't know i take this pic
And i'm sure u don't know i have blog..hahaha

Ok la..i have nothing to write so...
End here^^

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