Monday, June 21, 2010


Argggghhh.. why adult need make decision? I'm a kind of people that don't know how to make decision.. now the thing is coming to me..what should i do? I know u may not say tat yet.. but i have to think properly 1st b4 u ask... last nite 19/06/2010.. u asked.. i not answer cos i not ready yet. Tat the big decision i have to make, no joke and and i have to think for my future. And i "bu she de" my family.. I know a people can't stay with family member forever n ever.. HMMMMM... am i think too much? hu hu hu.. No one wil understand my situation de..>.< And i admit tat it's a good chance..really.. should i appreciate the chance? (20/06/10)

I dont dare to post it tAt day..but it laaaa...cos tat my feeling tat time >.< now ok d^^

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