Saturday, June 13, 2009


Arrrr..."Friendship" this word, for me, i really don't know how to describe. Before, i not really accept what best friend la, what good sister la...However, i always treat my friends nice nice. I wont angry if they do something wrong towards me, even they forget me or don't treat me as good friend, i only will sad behind them by myself. I never shout at them, i never scold them. The only thing i hope is peaceful. I don't like quarrel or doubt.

Nowadays, still, life is cruel. If want find a good friend, sure not that easy. Normally they are good with you ,but only will greet you when meet, kepo about others, chat all the non-sense. Do they really know you? Do they really understand u? OR Do you know them very well? Do you understand them? See, if like this ,how come call best friend?? I still wondering how long the friendship can last? How about distance? How about after they found their lover? Affected? comment.

However, i have met with a couple of interesting friends at inti here, especially Pauline and Jason. From them, i have learnt something that i don't know before this. At least i know what is 'hao jie mei' called. they let me know what is friendship. Of course this also have to thank my secondary school friend, Chai Fong, Sing Min, Pui Pui, Siaw Wen and also Shien. Thanks for accompany me all the way in my life. Although in you all mind i'm a nice n strong girl..but i also have doubt and problems that i cant solve, i also a normal girl. I'm look strong but actually have weak inner. So, i also need friend that can be my listener too. That's why friend is important. We need friend to brighten our life. We accompany from our friend. So.........thanksssss all my dear friend!!! No matter u remember me or not in the future, you are always in my heart. Muakz^^

Hmmm..... The only thing i know is we must appreciate with what we have now. We have to happy of what we have now. It's better to have a happy life than a troublesome and upset life. So, why don't we stay together happily and walk pass this life without any regret? That's better,right?


  1. wao...after finish view ur blog...tis article really touching my heart..ya...Friendship is really important in our life...without friends,we cant share our feeling, happiness, sadness...etc..without friends,we only can mad with ourselves....really suffer...
    hui, say truly to u, in my deep heart, u r the only best friend tat i never ever meet in tis world...of coz jason is my best friend too...but u not the same...evytime when i m facing any doubt and trouble in the relationship or schoolwork...u r the only one i can find and u wil definitely help me to solve it...ur advices is really useful to me...u r the one who brighten my life...i really cant imagine tat if i din meet u and we are stranger,wat kind of life for me in inti college...maybe evyday cry and stress bah...better dun imagine it...
    Even is Best Friend, smtimes oso will argue with each other...tats we mus take it easy to prevent tat our friendship destroy...right? even got a bit argue...we jus let it go fast fast...and take it easy...Btw,hui,i apologize tat if i did any wrong toward u in d past...
    hmm...really got lot of words want to write down...til dun wan to stop it...hehe...dunno y...i really love u friendship love...dun misunderstood ya...hehe...without LOVE in Relationship, i til hv Friendship LOVE...not worth for me to miss tat BAD guy!!!
    After graduate,hope we til can contact each other and hold on tightly in tis friendship...k?dun let DUST stick on us...hahaha...muacks...
    ohya...if u got any doubt and trouble and wanna cry out, pls remember tat i m stil stay beside u....even nt stay beside u at tat moment,u oso can call me ma...ok?although im not the talent advisor la...u can cry on my shoulder...^^ur deep heart nt as strong as ur appearance...i know...i know ur heart...i know u easy get hurt...i know u easy get cry, i know u more and more...of coz sm privacy thing i nt nid know...hahaha...if u mind to tell me...sure i will listen it...hehe...
    hmm...stop by here...
    u ar...must keep update ur blog ya...dun let dust stick ur ''blog house''...i will be punctual to visit ur blog and drop a long long comment...hahaha...
    u r the only blogger tat i drop a such long long comment...hahaha...
    okla....hv to stop now...muackssssssssssss....XD

    Sincerely Pauline cECILIA''hao jie mei''XD

  2. a long comment...^^
    en en... my dear friend.. i also need to say sorry if i hav done any wrong towards u^^
    haix..i'm not perfect too..i will help u as i can, dun worry..even after graduated u also can find me to share ur things, i wont mind to be ur listener d=) about argue... yaya..even the best friend un the world also got quarrel ma..if no quarrel tat's not called friend lo.. say truly la..sometime i really feel want scold u on something, but lastly i no. Cos we r friend. I forgive u. haha..dun sad..Say truly la..i din angry or not happy with u at all..even not happy also disappear after tat.. i also duno y.. maybe this is call friendship ba..hehehe u knw, u r d oli friend tat knw my private thing the most lo.. i seldom share my privacy to the other u r the oli one i share the most lo... No matter how, sorry and thanks for everything^^ muakzz



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