Wednesday, April 22, 2009

爱是从喜欢发生的... 喜欢之前是好感... 爱了之后就靠彼此了...


Hmm..i agree with this sentences..
This sentence is from Shien, my best friend.
Thank you, shien.
Everytime i sad, i bad mood, i get angry, i upset, or even i happy... you're the one who first come to me. I never have friend that will so care about my feeling. Thank you. shien. Really!!! I'm great to have YOU as my best friend...muakzz^^

Dont worry, i will think twice before i do any decision. I know love make us blind, but we still can try to be rational and clear in making decision. I dont want to become stupid. So, hui, be rational please!!!

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